【Announcement】CR SENGOKU OTOME〜Hana〜
SENGOKU OTOME Super thanks festival @nikonikochokaigi 2016 Digest Movie
【Announcement】SENGOKU OTOME 2 ~The noble warrior who shine in the abyss~
【Announcement】SENGOKU OTOME ~White holy master sword wielder~No. 2
【Announcement】SENGOKU OTOME ~White holy master sword wielder~No. 1
SENGOKU OTOME Super thanks festival @nikonikochokaigi2 Digest Movie
SENGOKU OTOME Super thanks festival Digest Movie (Short Version)
【CR SENGOKU OTOME〜Run〜】New music tracks 『Wagahadou』
【CR SENGOKU OTOME〜RUN〜】Theme song 『Run』 Short Version
【CR SENGOKU OTOME〜Run〜】Promotional videos for new products
【Announcement】『CR SENGOKU OTOME〜Run〜』No2
【Announcement】『CR SENGOKU OTOME〜Run〜』No3
CR SENGOKU OTOME〜Run〜』Rush into the first chapter of the new series